6. Church of Holy Trinity, 19th century

After the supremacy of the Republic of Venice over Budva (1442-1797) and domination of the Roman Catholic Church came to an end, building churches for the Orthodox population was gradually approved. The construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity lasted from 1798 to 1804. The cultural, historical and artistic significance of the church marked it as a unique cultural asset on the territory of Budva. The artistic context of the church was created as a unique mixture of Venetian and post-Byzantine artistic practice. The mixture of Western and Eastern medieval iconography can be seen in the richly ornamented iconostasis, which is the work of the Greek zographer Naum Zetiri (1836). The artist is originally from the island of Milos, and his signature is located below the central image of the Crucifixion. The representative artistic features of the liturgical objects testify to the importance of this sacred building. In the northwestern part of the church gate is the grave of the most important writer from this area – Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša (1824-1878).

O projektu | About the project

Projekat DIGITALNE KULTURNE RUTE je podržan u okviru Regionalnog programa lokalne demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu 2 – ReLOaD2, koji finansira Evropska unija, a sprovodi UNDP. ReLOaD2 se u Crnoj Gori realizuje u partnerstvu sa 15 lokalnih samouprava, među kojima su opštine Budva, Herceg Novi, Kotor i Tivat, koje čine klaster „Coastal Mates“.

The DIGITAL CULTURAL ROUTE project is supported by the Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 – ReLOaD2, financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP. ReLOaD2 is implemented in Montenegro in partnership with 15 local governments, among which are the municipalities of Budva, Herceg Novi, Kotor and Tivat, which form the “Coastal Mates” cluster.

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