Donžon kula je pravougaona srednjovjekovna kula koja predstavlja važno utočište u okviru bedema i posljednje mjesto odbrane. Ona je jednostavna građevina debelih zidova na tri etaže. U kulu se ulazilo na drugu etažu preko pokretnog drvenog mosta i drvenih stepenica koje su se mogle ukloniti i onemogućiti ulazak neprijatelja. Zidana je od pritesanog kamena i prvobitno nije imala krov. Nalazi se uz zapadni bedem i svojevremeno je bila viša od bedema. Danas su, usljed nasipanja terena, njene dvije etaže spuštene, a i bedem je podignut iznad nje, čime se ona praktično i ne sagledava.
Keep is a rectangular medieval tower that represents an important refuge within the walls and the last defence spot. It is a simple building with thick walls on three floors. The entrance was located on the second floor and was used through a movable wooden bridge and wooden steps which were removable. Their function was to prevent the enemy from entering the town. It was constructed from pressed stone and had no roof originally. It is located next to the western town wall and was once higher than them. Today, its two floors have been lowered due to the filling of the ground, and the town wall has been raised above it, which practically makes it invisible.