Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša jedan je od najistaknutijih književnih stvaralaca sa ovih prostora. Rođen je u Budvi, 29. februara 1824. godine, gdje je proveo dio svog života baveći se književnim radom, ali i političkim djelovanjem. Još od početka XX vijeka postojala je ideja o kreiranju memorijalnog zdanja koje bi nosilo narativ o značaju života i djela istaknutog pisca. Osamdesetih godina XX vijeka piščeva rodna kuća u Starom gradu pretvorena je u Memorijalni muzej i gradski Arhiv. Svečano je otvoren 1995. godine izložbom o liku Stefana Mitrova Ljubiše i njegovom ličnom doprinosu kulturi na ovim prostorima. U galerijskom prostoru Spomen doma se na godišnjem nivou organizuju dokumentarne i umjetničke izložbe različitih domaćih i internacionalnih autora.
Memory Home of Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša
Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša is one of the most prominent literate from Montenegro. He was born in Budva on February 19, 1824. He spent a great part of his life in this town, engaging in literary work as well as political activities. Ever since the beginning of the 20th century, there had been an idea of creating a memorial building which would represent the life and legacy of this prominent writer. During the 1980s, the writer’s birthplace in the Old Town was transformed into a Memorial Museum and the Town’s Archives. It was officially opened in 1995 with an exhibition presenting the character of Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša and his personal contribution to the culture of this area. The memorial house holds important documents about the development of the culture of this town. Documentary and artistic exhibitions by both national and international authors are organized annually in the gallery space.