Većina korisnih objekata koji se danas mogu naći unutar zidina Starog grada, napravljeni su početkom XX vijeka – oni su zapravo zamijenili nekadašnje manje objekte. Jedna od takvih građevina jeste zgrada Moderne galerije, nekadašnji objekat Sokolske družine koji je u prošlosti jedno vrijeme služio kao pozorište, zatim bioskop, a naposljetku i gradska čitaonica. Ovaj noviji objekat sa velikim otvorima i spoljnim stepeništem po svemu sudeći izgrađen je na zidinama starih objekata. U parteru Galerije očuvana je prostorija sa masivnim zidovima i kamenim svodom koja je svojevremeno služila kao zatvor. Objekat svodom premošćuje prohodnu ulicu i funkcioniše kao ambijentalno značajan elemenat arhitekture.
Modern Gallery ‘Jovo Ivanović’
Most of the utilitarian buildings that can be found within the walls of the Old Town have been built at the beginning of the 20th century. They replaced the former, older and smaller buildings. Such an example is the Modern Gallery building, a facility that belonged to the Sokol society which also served as a theater, a cinema, and a city reading room after that. This rather recent object with large openings and an external staircase was built on the walls of the older building. On the ground floor of the Gallery, a room with massive walls and a stone vault, which once served as a prison, has been preserved. The building bridges the passable street with an archway and functions as an environmentally significant element of architecture.