22. Glavna vrata (Porta di terra ferma) | Main Town Gate

Glavna ulazna vrata nalazila su se desetak metara sjevernije od sadašnjih, a ispred njih je postojala polukružna zaštita u vidu niske kule gde se ostavljalo oružje prije ulaska u grad.  Kulu su srušili Austrijanci 1867.  i formirali novi ulaz u grad.  Iznad ulaznih vrata sa unutrašnje strane ka gradu je zadržan običaj ostavljanja oružja, pa je formiran novi objekat – oružarnica, o čemu govore materijalni ostaci. U niši je mozaička ikona sa predstavom Bogorodice, zaštitnice grada,  pored koje se svaku noć palilo kandilo. Sa spoljne strane iznad vrata, između nadvratne grede i luka za rasterećenje, uzidana su dva grba od kojih je niži srednjovjekovni grb grada Budve sa štitom i tri osmokrake zvezdice. U vrhu bedema iznad vrata je i vojna osmatračnica sa koje se čuvao ulaz u grad, a ispod nje  reljef,  simbol mletačke vlasti u vidu krilatog lava.


Main Town Gate

The main entrance to the town used to be located ten meters north of the current one. In front of it there used to be a circular protection in the form of a low tower where weapons were left before entering the town. The tower was demolished by the Austrians in 1867 and formed a new entrance to the city. Above the front door, on the inner side of the town walls, the custom of leaving weapons was retained, so a new facility was formed. That used to be an armory, as evidenced by the material remains. In the niche is a mosaic icon with a representation of the Mother of God the protector of the town, next to which a lamp was lit every night. On the outside, above the door, between the lintel and the relief arch, two coats of arms were built. The lower one is the medieval coat of arms of Budva with a shield and three eight-pointed stars. The top one, above the door, is a military observation post from which the entrance of the city was guarded, and below it was a relief – the symbol of the Venetian government in the form of a winged lion.

O projektu | About the project

Projekat DIGITALNE KULTURNE RUTE je podržan u okviru Regionalnog programa lokalne demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu 2 – ReLOaD2, koji finansira Evropska unija, a sprovodi UNDP. ReLOaD2 se u Crnoj Gori realizuje u partnerstvu sa 15 lokalnih samouprava, među kojima su opštine Budva, Herceg Novi, Kotor i Tivat, koje čine klaster „Coastal Mates“.

The DIGITAL CULTURAL ROUTE project is supported by the Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 – ReLOaD2, financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP. ReLOaD2 is implemented in Montenegro in partnership with 15 local governments, among which are the municipalities of Budva, Herceg Novi, Kotor and Tivat, which form the “Coastal Mates” cluster.

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